Protest to support black women’s organisation in Hackney at 5pm on Friday 10 July.
Sistah Space is threatened with closure by Hackney Council.
Violence against women has increased markedly during the pandemic.
This is already a vastly under resourced sector, so it is outrageous that the local government cannot at the least dip into its reserves to keep Sistah Space operating.
Please give your support to the black survivors of domestic and sexual abuse.
Donate to the gofundme and join the protest.

Transcript: “Black Lives Matter
“Friday July 10th >> 5pm
Hackney Town Hall >>
“!Protest Callout!
Save Sistah Space
A unique sanctuary for domestic abuse survivors of African / Caribbean heritage.
“Why? Hackney Council is forcing Sistah Space to leave their premises THIS July, putting clients & volunteers at risk. Rates of domestic violence spiked during lockdown & now more than ever specialist support for survivors of African / Caribbean heritage is essential. – We say no! Black survivors should have a place of safety to heal from violence.
“- Hackney Council say ‘Black Lives Matter’ – so why put Black women in danger?
– New premises are unsuitable and unsafe – Hackney Council do you care more about the profit you can get from leasing Sistah Space’s current building?
– We’re in the middle of a pandemic that already disproportionately harms Black people – why risk moving now?
“This will be a socially distanced protest. Please wear a mask and keep 2 m away from people not from your household. Masks will be available for those who don’t have their own. All genders welcome.
“Can’t join in person? You can still help. Follow & check the Facebook event for petitions, online actions & the fundraiser to keep Sistah Space open and thriving.”