Kill the bill protests will taking place all over the country on Friday and Saturday, when there is a day of action.
The Tory Police and Crime Bill would give police the powers to shut down protests for making too much noise or causing ‘disruption’ – but all protests make noise and cause at least some disruption, after all that’s the whole point of protests.
In reality the Tories fear a long hot summer and so are getting tooled up, legally speaking, although they already have enough laws to orchestrate a clampdown on our democratic rights.
The BLM movement last summer and the Extinction Rebellion actions earlier really upset the Tories and this is the backlash from the right.
Fortunately for democracy in the UK, people have no intention of taking the imposition of this draconian legislation lying down and have been taking to the streets, from Newcastle to Bristol to Manchester.
It is not illegal to hold protests providing they are Covid safe, which means maintaining social distancing and mask wearing and use of sanitiser on hands and for wiping down equipment.

Jeremy Corbyn MP is slated to speak at the London protests according to information on social media.

Kill the bill protests – check social media for details:

Nation Day of Action – defend your right to protest ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
📍Bute Park, Cardiff
🗓Saturday 3rd April
#killthebill #justiceformohamud #justiceformouayed