BLM protests took place all over the UK last weekend, as they have for the past two months. Below we report on just some of them.
“Get your knee off my neck” – Justice for Marcus Coutain
Around 50 people gathered outside Islington police station on Saturday after an officer was filmed kneeling on Marcus Coutain’s neck as was being detained.

BLM protests in Lewsiham

Above: BLM protest in Lewisham, south east London
Below: Smethwick, West Midlands takes the knee
Around 60 people gathered in Smethwick to take the knee for racial equality.

Leamington Spa says black lives matter!

Above: Leamington Spa
Carmarthen, Wales: 100 turn out for Picton Must Fall! demo
A socially distanced demonstration calling for the removal of the Picton Memorial in Carmarthen and its replacement with a fitting memorial to the victims of Thomas Picton and slavery.