Pimlico Academy school students have risen up in revolt and racism and sexism at their school.
Instead of educating children the new headmaster has been more concerned with ‘discipline’, which in this case has been a conduit for re-establishing institutionally racist practices.
Black students have told they cannot have afro hair cuts. Muslim students have been told they cannot wear any hujabs other than black.
One of the first things the new head did was to get rid of Black History Month.
He didn’t leave it at that – he also insisted the school started flying the union jack flag – a symbol of imperialism and the racism of Empire.
As if all that wasn’t enough, the head also ordered the LGBT+ noticeboard to be taken down.
Pimlico Academy school “like going to prison”
Some students ikened going to school as “going to prison”.
Sixth form students have been told they have to wear ‘business suits, but many parents are not able to afford to buy them.
Students footwear has been damaged, with labels cut from Kickers shoes, for example, before thinking of at least asking permission from parents first.
Yesterday the school students said enough is enough and with chants of “black lives matter” and “we want change”, organised a protest in the school basketball court after being prevented from congregating on the astro turf sports area.

The protests involved hundreds and saw students also wearing red arm bands in solidarity with Sarah Everard and against the failure of the school to do anything about sexism at school.
Such was the impact of the protest that it got onto local and national TV news.
The sitdown protest took place the entire morning, forcing the school to eventually close early.
“I’m in Year 11 and it used to be a very positive place,” he said. “Now I feel intimidated in school. It feels authoritarian and restrictive, which makes it harder to learn. The culture is different—it’s very ‘British’ oriented, even with the food,” said one student.
“We all come from very different cultures. That should be respected.”
For more reporting direct from the students, parents and teachers themselves, see this report.
Although not initiated or led by teachers, they supported the protest.
The teachers at the school have called for the head to resign.
Rumours are now circulating that the head is indeed going to resign.
More soon when we get it.