Victoria Square 4pm – social distancing applies. Bring your masks (and banners)
Victoria Square 4pm – social distancing applies. Bring your masks (and banners)
Solidarity with the US rebellion! Spread the resistance.
The Police are the outside agitators. The police are the instigators of violence. The rich are the real looters. Donald Trump is a thug and the UK is not innocent either. We have an illegitimate government led by a racist and elected on a pack of lies – a government that has promoted and imposed policies that have seen at least 63,000 people die. We have criminal racist government. End the hostile environment; Defund the police.
Justice for George Floyd and all those brutalised and murdered at the hands of the police in the US and UK.
It is extremely important that social distancing is enforced and respected at all protests. This government doesn’t care about the disproportionate number of black and minority ethnic people dying in this ongoing Covid pandemic. This is the same problem that confronts the protesters in the US, where people are having to risk their lives to protect lives. The protests below have been called by London BLM and are supported by BLMM. The BLM UK organisation that claims to be the “official” BLM group is not affiliated with any of the organisers.
“Black liberation by any means necessary!”
– Malclolm X
“A riot is the language of the unheard”
– Martin Luther King
Meet 8pm at Cannon Street Church, 300 Soho Road, B21 9NA
Organise a socially distanced protest in your locality, take a selfie and post to social media, come out at your front door and make some noise, make and display a placard message
1 pm
Please send in your forthcoming event details and reports from around the country to [email protected] – or go to our contact page to leave details.
#justice4George#justice4breonna – Solidarity with US uprisings against racist police terrorism is needed now more than ever as the US state steps up repression.
Strict social distancing applies –
With the Covid pandemic disproportionately impacting BAME communities, it is imperative that strict social distancing applies at this gathering.
American cities are occupied by militarised police and the National Guard, facing off against overwhelmingly peaceful protesters.
Journalists are being deliberately targeted by police to try and stop the world seeing the extent of their repression.
Shamefully, Democrat politicians have tried to blame protesters for the violence that the police have instigated by firing tear gas and rubber bullets at peaceful protesters.
Protesters have chosen to fight back against the repression. We must support them.
“A riot is the language of the unheard” – Martin Luther King.
The uprisings and protests are not the work of “outside agitators”, “foreign influencers” or “urban terrorists”. This is a lie that is preparing the ground for massive violence by the state to try and put down the rebellion.
These are all the same excuses used by the US authorities in the 1960s in response to righteous urban insurrections. The difference today is that the protesters are multiracial.
That really scares the authorities because it shows the potential to ally race and class in a united fight to eradicate racism.
Show your solidarity with the US uprisings against police racism and brutality.
Racism is a 400-year-old problem that will require a revolutionary challenge to the social system for change to come.
The murder of George Floyd follows the murder of Breonna Taylor in her own home by police and the lynching of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, and are just the latest examples of the reign of terror that black people live under in the US.
Join this socially distanced protest Trafalgar Square 1pm.
Bring banners and masks. Take a knee
RIP George Lloyd and Breonna Taylor and all murdered at the hands of racist US police. Please observe social distancing.
No justice, no peace.
Video: Police are terrorising resident in Paris suburbs
WARNING – SHOCKING CONTENT: In the Paris suburb of Les Ulis residents were able to film this shocking footage of a man being taken to an underpass and beaten and tortured by police.
This reign of terror is happening throughout the suburbs every single day of the lockdown.
France’s notoriously racist police force is stuffed full of fascists from the Front Nationale (or whatever Le Pen calls her thugs now). They are harassing, brutalising, humiliating and terrorising the community.
There will be an explosion of resistance. As if this is not enough – a hugely disproportionate number from the ethnic minorities are dying as a result of Covid-19 infection because of the inequalities of overcrowded living conditions and poor health due to poverty.
It is estimated as much as a quarter of the Paris population has fled to second homes in the countryside. This is not an option for most working-class people and those French people from an African or Arab background.
Here’s an excerpt from the New York Times. The European press has so far ignored the oppressive situation in the Parisian suburbs.
“We’ve got a lot of young people in big families, shut up in tiny apartments, and it’s difficult to close them up like that,” said Bilal Chikri, a filmmaker who lives in the neighbourhood. “There’s a lot of clashes with the police, lots of police missteps, lots of abuse of power.”
The approach has left residents vulnerable to both the police and the virus. Paris had 732 virus deaths compared with 402 in Seine-Saint-Denis as of April 8, but the city has half again the population of the suburb, where many of the metropolis’s cashiers, deliverymen, transit workers, nurses and couriers live.
“This is getting really tough,” said Larry Karache, an out-of-work shopkeeper, standing outside Chêne Pointu, the housing project where France’s 2005 urban riots were born, and which was depicted in last year’s hit film “Les Miserables.” “We’re actually in prison here.”
The New York Times reports (10 April 2020)
Racist police in the US, Europe, the UK and elsewhere, are using the lockdown as an excuse to unleash a wave of racist violence against minorities. This is happening in addition when these communities are being disproportionately impacted by Covid-19 with death rates running at twice that for white people. This is due to the discrimination and poverty faced by many for generations.
These same communities are disproportionately to be found on the frontline of the fight against Covid – from delivery drivers to cleaners and nurses. In the UK the first 10 doctors to die were all from ethnic minority background and mostly Muslims. Stand up. Fight back!Racist police in the US, Europe, the UK and elsewhere, are using the lockdown as an excuse to unleash a wave of racist violence against minorities.
This is happening in addition when these communities are being disproportionately impacted by Covid-19 with death rates running at twice that for white people. This is due to the discrimination and poverty faced by many for generations.
These same communities are disproportionately to be found on the frontline of the fight against Covid – from delivery drivers to cleaners and nurses. In the UK the first 10 doctors to die were all from ethnic minority background and mostly Muslims. Stand up. Fight back!
If you were distressed from watching the video of a defenceless child being brutally assaulted by Detective Constable Kevin Rawley of the Metropolitan Police and want to make a complaint, plz see below and link to the complaints form.
The procedure for submitting a complaint is a simple process. Feel free to adapt the template below:
“When did this happen?
Approximate time or additional details about the time of the event.
Late afternoon
Please describe the event and what happened in as much detail as possible.
I have been adversely affected by the conduct of a police officer that involves a serious assault” I was traumatised and
appalled by watching a video of Detective Constable Kevin Rowley carrying out a violent unprovoked assault using his baton on a defenceless young man who was in handcuffs. This is not the sort of service we expect from our police force.
This officer needs to be reprimanded and firm action taken as an example to the rest of the Metropolitan police force that such brutal assaults on defenceless citizens is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!
Do you have a reference number linked to this complaint?
Not given
What do you feel would be a suitable outcome from this complaint?
Removal of Detective Constable Kevin Rowley, the officer involved in carrying out the assault as he is a danger to society and a rotten apple in the police force.
Information to make your complaint: Jason Gwillim is the Tri Borough Commander for the area and Andrew Rosindell is the MP for Romford!!
Thanks to Sista Shanice
Nearly 200 packed into the meeting to commemorate Christopher and support the courage of his sister Janet’s fight for Justice.
Christopher, a former British army paratrooper was killed by police in Hull 20 years ago. He died on the floor of the police station, handcuffed as officers made monkey noises and stood around laughing as he expired, with no attempt today to help him.
Adding insult to injury, when the family thought Christopher had been buried after many years of delay, it turned out that the authorities had buried the wrong person.
The police have also been accused of spying on the family for having the audacity to stand up to them and fight for justice.
Fantastic support for the march and rally in Hull today came from York, Scarborough, Rotherham , Sheffield and Manchester as well as local Unions like Unite, the University branch of UCU and the loan of the room by City Unison and local organisations like Hull Afro Caribbean Association, Truth Juice and Stand up to Racism.
Today’s events were organised by the Justice for Christopher Alder Campaign and also included supporters from Lancashire No Justice No Peace.
Trump is in an alliance with Nazi terrorists. That is the only reasonable conclusion that can be made following the murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville on Saturday. The Nazi ‘Unite the Right’ rally which was met by a counter-protest by anti-fascists, saw a motley collection of Nazi organisations come together to defend ‘Southern heritage’ in the shape of a memorial to Confederate traitor to the US, Robert E Lee.
Infamously, Trump refused to call out the Nazis, choosing instead to issue a mealy mouthed statement condemning violence ‘on all sides’. Make no mistake, this moral equivalence is an endorsement not just of racism and fascism but of terrorism.
As the world knows all too well, Trump is a prolific tweeter, but decent people still wait for him to tweet his abhorrence of the racist terror brought to Charlottesville by his supporters. And if anyone is in any doubt that they are his supporters, the fascist marchers themselves made it abundantly clear by chanting ‘Hail Trump’ as they rallied.
Trump is someone who respects loyalty, so we’re told. It’s why he remains loyal to the memory and the politics of his father Fred. Readers will recall that Trump’s father was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Fred Trump marched with the Klan in New York in 1927 and was arrested for fighting with police. Like father like son is an expression that springs to mind.
Be fair to Agent Orange they say, he’s ‘friends’ with Kanye West so he can’t be a racist.
But discriminatory practices by one of his real estate companies, the revolting campaign to execute the Central Park Five even after they were proved innocent and of course the blatantly racist ‘birther’ campaign against Barack Obama, all are evidence of Trump’s deep-seated racism.
The longer the white supremacist stays in power the more likely it is that he will sow the seeds of America’s next civil war. The lovers of the Confederacy should be able to remember how the first civil war turned out.
By their friends shall ye know them. So let’s take a look at some of his friends – the ones in his cabinet. Steve Bannon – white nationalist millionaire; Jeff Sessions – white supremacist Alabaman and add to that the assorted generals and billionaires, none of whom are known for their promotion of equality and diversity. OK, so he has one black man in his cabinet, but we can safely put that down to tokenism.
After what’s just gone down in Virginia, Americans should demand that those in Trump’s cabinet who claim to abhor white supremacy and anti-Semitism resign immediately. None have so far of their own volition, which tells us all we need to know about the priorities and politics of his appointees.
Sadly, the Nazis are not going to go away. They certainly will not go away if people follow the advice of respectable liberal opinion that thinks if you ignore this filth it will disappear. Intimidation and violence has to be faced own.
The Nazis say they will be back to terrorise Charlottesville. If that is so, then anti-fascist forces will need to mobilise much more widely and deeply. Violence isn’t the key to stopping fascism. It’s a numbers game. We are the many, they are the few. They need to be massively outnumbered and marginalised. In that battle we expect no help from Trump. In fact Trump is part of the problem. In addition, the Republicans in Congress and elsewhere have made it plain by their silence and inaction that they are prepared to go down with the racist White House bully.
Heather Heyer is an American Hero. Let’s honour her by redoubling our efforts to rid the world of fascism. Trump is an American racist and warmonger.
No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA
The mainstream media is going into overdrive to try and justify the police killing of 20-year-old Rashan Charles. The story seems to go like this – he was a drug dealer so what did he expect. We had the same concocted story when the police killed Edson da Costa a few weeks ago. We had the same story when they executed Mark Duggan in August 2011; this year is the sixth anniversary of Mark’s death and it will be marked by a protest in Tottenham on 5th August.
The London Evening Standard is running a story today with a still from CCTV claiming it shows Rashan swallowing a package. But even if this interpretation is accurate, since when did the police in this country get the right to be judge, jury and executioner on our streets?
Rash was much-liked in the community and tonight’s protest will be well attended for that reason. Anger is growing at the police’s callous disregard for the lives of young black men in London. No police officer has as yet been suspended let alone charged. Is the Met police importing the tactics deployed by the militarised police of the US where their ‘war on drugs’ has led to daily killings of black people and a massive increase in the prison population from 300,000 in the 1980s to over two million today, despite there being no significant increase in the crime rate. As in the US, here in the UK drug use is the same across different ethnic groups. In fact it is likely higher among white people. the number of those involved in dealing are similar also. But it is poor black and working class communities that are targeted, not the cocaine users in the City of London or on Wall street.
If Rashan had swallowed something, putting him in a headlock and strangling him is not going to retrieve the alleged package. Neither is the full weight of a policeman kneeling on his back likely to ‘help’, in fact it probably had a direct bearing on his death, as did the strangulation.
One thing though is crystal clear from Saturday’s police killing: when people in the community see the police arresting someone, intervention is a necessity. It might save someone’s life.
If the police think they can act with impunity because of the cover-ups of the IPCC, then they will continue to do precisely that. Given the mounting death toll, we have no choice but to start to police the police. Tonight’s protest is a start.
If there is no justice for Rash and all the other dead then there will be hell to pay. As Martin Luther King – ‘a riot is the voice of the unheard’.
No justice, no peace. Justice for Rash!
A vigil for Rashan Charles – killed by Hackney police – takes place tomorrow Monday 24th July at 6.30pm:
Stoke Newington police station
33 Stoke Newington High St, N16 8DS
Black Lives Matter Movement urges everyone who can – black and white, young and old – to be at the police station tomorrow.
We demand justice. We will fight for justice – this murder will not stand!
Killer racist police must be taken off our streets.
Facebook event page:
No justice No peace