Report by Derby BLM – Friday 31 July 2020:
Thank you everyone for an amazing launch today! Thanks to everyone who contributed ideas and worked on the manifesto and for the wonderful speakers, powerful poets, performers and support today.
You can read the manifesto at the link here.
Now we need all the agencies to turn words into action – you can help make it happen – keep telling your Councillor, public sector services, schools, enterprise agencies, local media & arts & heritage venues that this manifesto needs to be implemented, keep the momentum!

With thanks to the BLM Derby Steering Group and to the organisations who have endorsed the manifesto in solidarity thank you: Spectrum Derbyshire Open Doors Derby Stand Up To RacismANFC Church DerbyHadhari project centre Noir Sports Derby West Indian Community AssociationDerbyshire Refugee SolidarityVox FeminarumRainbow RoutesDeeds Not Words Towards LiberationM-prez Enterprise International Women’s Day Derby Derby & Derbyshire Inspirational Women Awards Thanks to Communication Unlimited for BSL Interpreting today.
A copy of the Derby BLM Manifesto can be found at the link below:
Contact Derby BLm via their facebook page: