Protests – Saturday 13 June 1pm Hyde Park – march to Trafalgar Square has now been moved to Friday

Protests – Saturday 13 June 1pm Hyde Park – march to Trafalgar Square has now been moved to Friday
Solidarity with the US rebellion! Spread the resistance.
The Police are the outside agitators. The police are the instigators of violence. The rich are the real looters. Donald Trump is a thug and the UK is not innocent either. We have an illegitimate government led by a racist and elected on a pack of lies – a government that has promoted and imposed policies that have seen at least 63,000 people die. We have criminal racist government. End the hostile environment; Defund the police.
Justice for George Floyd and all those brutalised and murdered at the hands of the police in the US and UK.
It is extremely important that social distancing is enforced and respected at all protests. This government doesn’t care about the disproportionate number of black and minority ethnic people dying in this ongoing Covid pandemic. This is the same problem that confronts the protesters in the US, where people are having to risk their lives to protect lives. The protests below have been called by London BLM and are supported by BLMM. The BLM UK organisation that claims to be the “official” BLM group is not affiliated with any of the organisers.
“Black liberation by any means necessary!”
– Malclolm X
“A riot is the language of the unheard”
– Martin Luther King
Meet 8pm at Cannon Street Church, 300 Soho Road, B21 9NA
Organise a socially distanced protest in your locality, take a selfie and post to social media, come out at your front door and make some noise, make and display a placard message
1 pm
Please send in your forthcoming event details and reports from around the country to [email protected] – or go to our contact page to leave details.
#justice4George#justice4breonna – Solidarity with US uprisings against racist police terrorism is needed now more than ever as the US state steps up repression.
Strict social distancing applies –
With the Covid pandemic disproportionately impacting BAME communities, it is imperative that strict social distancing applies at this gathering.
American cities are occupied by militarised police and the National Guard, facing off against overwhelmingly peaceful protesters.
Journalists are being deliberately targeted by police to try and stop the world seeing the extent of their repression.
Shamefully, Democrat politicians have tried to blame protesters for the violence that the police have instigated by firing tear gas and rubber bullets at peaceful protesters.
Protesters have chosen to fight back against the repression. We must support them.
“A riot is the language of the unheard” – Martin Luther King.
The uprisings and protests are not the work of “outside agitators”, “foreign influencers” or “urban terrorists”. This is a lie that is preparing the ground for massive violence by the state to try and put down the rebellion.
These are all the same excuses used by the US authorities in the 1960s in response to righteous urban insurrections. The difference today is that the protesters are multiracial.
That really scares the authorities because it shows the potential to ally race and class in a united fight to eradicate racism.
Show your solidarity with the US uprisings against police racism and brutality.
Racism is a 400-year-old problem that will require a revolutionary challenge to the social system for change to come.
The murder of George Floyd follows the murder of Breonna Taylor in her own home by police and the lynching of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, and are just the latest examples of the reign of terror that black people live under in the US.
Join this socially distanced protest Trafalgar Square 1pm.
Bring banners and masks. Take a knee
RIP George Lloyd and Breonna Taylor and all murdered at the hands of racist US police. Please observe social distancing.
No justice, no peace.
A vigil for Rashan Charles – killed by Hackney police – takes place tomorrow Monday 24th July at 6.30pm:
Stoke Newington police station
33 Stoke Newington High St, N16 8DS
Black Lives Matter Movement urges everyone who can – black and white, young and old – to be at the police station tomorrow.
We demand justice. We will fight for justice – this murder will not stand!
Killer racist police must be taken off our streets.
Facebook event page:
No justice No peace
Protest on Friday 17th February 6pm, French Embassy
58 Knightsbridge, London, SW1X 7JT
Albert Gate, opposite Kuwaiti embassy. Nearest tube is Knightsbridge (Piccadilly line).
Théo, a 22-year-old youth worker, was arrested last week in Aulnay-sous-Bois in the northern suburbs of Paris and anally raped by racist French police.
A police investigation claims that Théo was ‘accidentally’ assaulted and that there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to support the allegations made by the victim against the police officers involved, despite the video evidence and injuries suffered.
The French police brutalise people of African and Arab descent on a daily basis and with impunity. This must not stand.
As France enters its eighth day of protests, we call for the jailing of the police officers and justice for Théo and all the other victims of France’s racist police and an end to the cover-ups by the French state.
We also call for an urgent investigation into the extent of Fascist infiltration of French police.
Half of the police are thought to vote for Le Pen’s Fascist Front Nationale. The electoral successes of the FN and its support base among police is an indication of how and deep and widespread racism is in French society. Le Pen’s Islamophobia and racism, and that of the state itself, has emboldened the police in their persecution of minorities.
Shockingly, the French state does not collect any information on the extent of racist discrimination in employment, education, housing and policing – it justifies this in the name of Republican equality and the EU does nothing about it. Institutional racism against Muslims and ethnic minorities is rampant.
Brigade Anti-Negrophobie has been leading the protests in Aulnay-sous-Bois and elsewhere. A representative of the organisation will be speaking at the anti-Trump Summit at Friends Meeting House, Euston on Saturday 18th February.
Join Friday’s protest, 6.00pm at the French embassy
Justice For Theo #justicepourtheo
No justice, No peace
Smash the Front Nationale
Tell the French state that Black Lives Matter!
Called by Stand Up To Racism, Black Lives Matter Movement and Silence is Violence
The French police’s rape of Theo (his full name hasn’t been released yet) has unleashed a wave of protests in France. Four police officers have been charged with assault and one with rape.
Unfortunately in racist France this is no guarantee that justice will be done. This assault is a graphic illustration of the daily racist police brutality inflicted on Black and Arab minorities in France.
The rise of the fascist Le Pen shows the depths of racism in the country, especially towards people from a Muslim background.
France likes to project to the world a face of equality and freedom, but for Africans and Arabs the story is rather different.
The attack on Theo is a declaration of war. All power to the protesters and rioters fighting back.
On Saturday Silence is Violence held a protest at the French embassy, supported by BLMM, in solidarity with Theo.
No justice, no peace.
Where are the Black artists standing up to Trump? Come on people it’s time to get serious. Viva Lily Allen.
See if you can spot the Black Lives Matter Movement activists in the video. Black and white unite and fight! We have nothing to lose but our chains. Trump is no friend of working people, black or white.
Join the Dump Trump protests this Friday and the Women’s march on Saturday.
Trump is a clear and present danger to people of colour and all working people. We will not let his hate and division beat us. Let’s unite the struggles of all progressive forces in a movement to push back this bigot and the rising tide of racism associated with him.
Trump challenged Obama from day one of his presidency with his racist ‘birther’ movement. We must do the same. No normalisation of sexism and racism!
But let’s not forget also that it was the Democrats who threw away the US presidential election. Why didn’t they campaign in the rust belt states? Obama’s presidency promised changed but did not deliver. The black elite are showing themselves to part of the problem – yes we are are talking about you Kanye West (met Trump) and MLK III (met Trump also).
Since 2007/8 95% of the population in western countries have seen their incomes stagnate. The only beneficiaries of the years of neoliberal economic policies and the austerity policies have been the rich and their corporations.
We will need a massive social movement – not stunts to shut airports or disrupt transport hubs with tiny groups of middle class white people.
Unfortunately BLMUK – with whom we are not connected – have given us all a bad name with their stupidity, although we must defend those arrested and brought before the courts.
Without struggle there is no progress. Join the fightback in 2017!
Go to the Facebook event
There are local protests around the UK on Friday (and globally). See details below:
BLM UK has called shutdown protests around the country. In London, meet Altab Ali Park, Whitechapel, E1 at 6.30pm